Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Accredited by NAAC 'A' Grade

   Senior - Arts
Arts Faculty F.Y.B.A
Total Papers:- 6
Eligibility:- 12th Arts Pass OR Similar Exam Pass (As per SPPU rules)
Intake:- 3 division of 120 students (Total No. of Students:120*3=360*)
  1. English (Compulsory)
  2. Marathi OR Hindi OR English (Any two languages) - G1
  3. History - G1
  4. Geogrphy OR Public Administration - G1
  5. Politics - G1
  6. Economics - G1
  7. Vocational Paper Functional English I & II
* Select any 5 optional Papers from above list [ from b to f] (College does not have specialization in Public Administration)

Those students who select Functional English will have to select any three Papers from b to f

Total Papers:- 7
Eligibility:- F.Y.B.A Pass OR A.T.K.T. (As per SPPU rules)
  1. For F.Y.B.A, five papers are offered out of which one has to choose a special paper.Related to that there are two special papers and one general paper, in all there are three papers.
  2. For F.Y.B.A, from remaining four papers,one has to choose two more general papers.That is in all there will be five papers.
  3. According to selection of special paper one has to select two general papers which are given below.
  4. English and Environmental Awareness (Compulsory Papers).
Special paper and related two more general papers.
Special Papers
Two General Papers
English     S1, S2
Marathi     S1, S2
Hindi     S1, S2
Economics     S1, S2
Politics     S1, S2
History     S1, S2
English     G2
Marathi     G2
Hindi     G2
Economics     G2
Politics     G2
History     G2
Public Administration     G2
Functional English Paper III & IV     G2
Candidate will have to select three subjects, among these one paper must be as selected special subject & two as per choice.

Total Papers:- 6
Eligibility:- F.Y.B.A pass and S.Y.B.A pass OR A.T.K.T.
  1. The subjects taken at S.Y.B.A special and general level should be contunied at T.Y.B.A at the same level.
  2. The students seeking addmissions in T.Y.B.A class from different colleges should contact the exam dept.
  3. English (Compulsory Paper).
   Senior - Commerce
Commerce Faculty
Total Papers:- 7
Eligibility:- 12th Commerce Pass OR Similar Exam Pass
Intake:- 2 Grantable Division of 120 students ( No. of Students:120*2=240*)
2 Non-grantable Division of 120 students ( No. of Students:120*2=240*)
Total No. of Students:120*4=480*
Compulsory Papers
  1. Functional English
  2. Financial Accounting
  3. Business Economics
  4. Business Mathematics and Statistics
  5. Any one of the following
    1. Organization Skill Development
    2. Banking and Finance
    3. Commercial Geoghaphy
  6. Optional Group - Any one of the following
    1. Insurance and Transport
    2. Marketing and Salesmanship
    3. Business Environment and Entrepreneurship
  7. Modern Indian languages - English, Marathi, Hindi

Total Papers:- 6
Eligibility:- F.Y.B.Com Pass OR A.T.K.T.
Compulsory Papers:-
  1. Corporate Accounting
  2. Corporate Law
  3. Business Economics
  4. Business Management
  5. Business Communication
    Voc - III Computer Application III
  6. Optional Group - Any one of the following
    (Special Subject Paper - I)
    1. Banking and Finance - I
    2. Cost and Work Accounting - I
    3. Business Entrepreneurship - I
    4. Marketing Management- I
    6. Voc - IV Computer Application IV
  7. Environmental Awareness

Total Papers:- 6
Eligibility:- F.Y.B.Com pass OR S.Y.B.Com pass OR A.T.K.T.
Compulsory Papers:-
  1. Business Regulatory Framework(M.Law)
  2. Advanced Accounting
  3. Auditing and Taxation
  4. International Economics
    Indian and Global Economic Development
  5. Special Paper - II & III
    1. Banking and Finance - II & III
    2. Cost and Work Accounting - II & III
    3. Business Entrepreneurship - II & III
    4. Marketing Management- II & III
    5. Voc - V & VI Computer Application V & VI

   Senior - Science
Science Faculty
Total Papers:- Theory 4*2, Practicals 4 total 12
Eligibility:- 12th Science Pass OR Similar Exam Pass
Intake:- 1 Grantable Division of 120 students ( No. of Students:120*1=120*)
1 Non-grantable Division of 120 students ( No. of Students:120*1=240*)
Total No. of Students:120*2=240*
Group A
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Geography
Group B
  1. Chemistry
  2. Physics
  3. Botany
  4. Zoology
Choose any one group from the above list.

Total Papers:-Theory 3*2 Practicals 3 total 10
Eligibility:- F.Y.B.Sc Pass OR A.T.K.T.
Compulsory Papers:-
  1. English OR Marathi
  2. Environmental Awareness
  1. Semester 1 and 2
  2. Subject selected in F.Y has to be carried in S.Y by selecting the 3 subjects from the group.
  3. Every subject will have 2 theory paper and 1 practical, and for Mathematics 3 theory paper.
  4. Along with the 3 subjects compulsory select English OR Marathi Subject.
Group A
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
Group B
  1. Chemistry
  2. Botany
  3. Zoology

Total Papers:- Theory 6 Practicals 3 Total 9
Eligibility:- F.Y.B.Sc pass and S.Y.B.Sc pass OR A.T.K.T.
  1. Semester III and IV
  2. From the subjects selected in S.Y, Choose any of the one subject as principal subject.
  3. The principal subject will consists 6 papers for each semester and 3 practicals annually
Principal Subjects:-
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
Professional Courses

Department of Computer Science:-

B.Sc (Computer Science)

F.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science) Annual pattern
Eligibility:- 12thpassed with Mathematics and Physics as principal subject offered OR Diploma of MSBTE with Mathematics and Physics Intake:- 1 Division of 80 students (Total No. of Students:80*1=80*)

  1. Problem Solving using Computers & 'C' Programming
  2. File Organization & Fundamental of Databases
  3. Principles of Analog Electronics
  4. Principles of Digital Electronics
  5. Discrete Mathematics
  6. Algebra & Calculus
  7. Statistical Method - I
  8. Statistical Method - II
  9. Computer Science Practical (on paper 1)
  10. Computer Science Practical (on paper 2)
  11. Electronics Practical
  12. Mathematics Practical
  13. Statistics Practical

S.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science) Semister Pattern

Semister - I
  1. Data Structure using C
  2. Relational Database Management System
  3. Microprocessor Architecture and Programming
  4. Communication Principles
  5. Applied Algebra
  6. Numerical Analysis
  7. Technical English

Semister - II
  1. Object oriented Concepts and Programming in C++
  2. Software Engineering
  3. 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems
  4. Digital Signal Processing
  5. Computational Geometry
  6. Operation Research
  7. Technical English
  8. Environmental Awareness
  9. Computer Science Practical (on paper 1 of Sem I & II)
  10. Computer Science Practical (on paper 2 of Sem I & II)
  11. Electronics Practical (Sem. I & II)
  12. Mathematics Practical (Sem. I & II)

T.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science) Semister Pattern

Semister - I
  1. System Programming & Operating System - I
  2. Therotical Computer Science & Compiler Construction - I
  3. Computer Networks - I
  4. Web Development & PHP Programming - I
  5. Programming in Java - I
  6. Object Oriented Software Engineering

Semister - II
  1. System Programming & Operating System - II
  2. Therotical Computer Science & Compiler Construction - II
  3. Computer Networks - II
  4. Web Development & PHP Programming - II
  5. Programming in Java - II
  6. Computer Graphics
  7. Computer Science Practical (on paper 1 of Sem I & II)
  8. Computer Science Practical (on paper 2 of Sem I & II)
  9. Computer Science Practical (on paper 3 of Sem I & II)

Department of Computer Application:-

Bachelor of Business Administration(Computer Application)(B.B.A.(C.A.)) (Old B.C.A)

Total Papers:- Theory 5, Practical 1 total 6
Eligibility:-Any 10+2(Arts, Science and Commerce ,MCVC, Pharmacy)Students
Intake:- 1 Division of 80 students (Total No. of Students:80*1=80*)
Compulsory Papers:-
Sem I:
1.Modern Operating Environment and MS-Office
2.Financial Accounting
3.Principles of Programming and algorithm
4.Bussiness Communication
5.Principles of management
6.Computer Laboratory and Practical Work(MS-office ,Tally, PPA, Scratch)
Sem II:
1.Procedure Oriented programming using C
2.Database Management System
3.Organizational Behavior
4.Computer Application in Statistics
6.Computer Laboratory and Practical work(C Programming + DBMS)

S.Y.B.C.A (C.A)
Total Papers:-Theory 5 Practical 1 total 6
Eligibility:-F.Y.B.B.A(C.A) Pass OR A.T.K.T.
Compulsory Papers:-
Sem III:
1.Business Mathematics
2.Software Engineering
3.Data Structure using C
4. Relational Database Management System
5.Operating System
6. Computer Laboratory and Practical Work

Sem IV:
1. Enterprise Resource Planning
2. Computer Network
3. Human Resource Management
4. Object Oriented Programming using C++
5. Visual Basic
6. ComputerLaboratory and Practical Work

Total Papers:-Theory 4 Practical 1 Project 1 total 6
Eligibility:-S.Y.B.B.A(C.A) Pass OR A.T.K.T.
Compulsory Papers:-
Sem V:
1. Java Programming
2. Web Technologies
3. Dot Net programming
4. Object Oriented Software Engineering
5. Software Project I [Based on C++/VB Technology]
6. Laboratory Course V[Based on Paper no 501 &502]

Sem VI:
1. Advanced Web Technologies
2. Advanced Java
3. Recent trends in IT
4. Software testing
5. Software Project II [Based on Java /.net Technology]
6. Laboratory Course V [Based on Paper no 601 &602]