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"We are committed to provide Excellent Quality Education in Arts, Science and Commerce faculties as per UGC, SPPU and Gov. of Mah. norms to create multidisciplinary best citizens, and to satisfy the students' and parents' requirements through continual improvements in Quality of Educational Services." "The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the institution. For this, during the post-accreditation period, it will channelize all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence."
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) adheres to the quality enhancement in academic, administrative and extracurricular set up in the college by focusing on the holistic development of the rural students. It also aims at fostering the competence among rural students through academic excellence and various extracurricular activities.
To strive for being a 'College with Excellence'
To achieve academic and administrative excellence
To develop stronger Industry- Academic relation for benefit of staff and students
To promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research
To enhance the quality of staff by promoting and encouraging overall faculty development
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college has been composed of the representatives of Arts, Commerce, Science faculties along with representatives of local management and stakeholders under the chairmanship of head of the institution.
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Post |
1 | Dr. Prasanna G. Deshmukh | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Hon. Shri. Sangramdada Thopte | President, Rajgad Dnyanpeeth | Management Representative |
3 | Hon. Sau. Swarupatai Thopte | Secretary, Rajgad Dnyanpeeth | Management Representative |
4 | K. J. Chavan | Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of History | IQAC Coordinator |
5 | Dr. Pallavi B. Malekar | Assistant Professor and Dept. of English | IQAC Co-coordinator |
6 | Lagad S. B. | Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Physics | Teacher Representative |
7 | Dr. Mundhe K. S. | Professor, Dept. of Chemistry | Teacher Representative |
8 | Dr. Nikam S. K. | Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry | Teacher Representative | 9 | Sandip Venupure | Assistant Professor & Dept. of Computer Science | Teacher Representative |
10 | Vidya Bandal | Steno | Office Representative |
11 | Dr. A. C. Birajdar | Doctor | External Expert |
12 | Ramesh Oswal | Businessman | Alumni Representative |
13 | Ganesh Motkar | Industrial Executive Officer | Industrial Expert |
14 | Aishwarya Wagh | Student | Student Representative |
15 | Avishkar Madgude | Student | Student Representative |